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International Fringe Festival & Competition 2019 Masterclass Series 
鋼琴 Steinway Artist Pianist : Mr. Robin Zebaida   (2nd Aug 2019)
小提琴 D.M.A. Violinist : Dr. Biffa Kwok  (9th Aug 2019)
圓號 Hong Kong Philharmonic Hornist : Mr. Todor Popstoyanov   (14th Aug 2019)
小提琴 D.M.A. candidate Violin soloist : Mr. Samuel Huang  (14th Aug 2019)
薩克斯風 International Renowned Saxophonist : Mr. Charles Ng  (14th Aug 2019)
鋼琴 D.M.A. Pianist : Dr. Henry Chow  (21th Aug 2019)

About Maestro Robin Zebaida

Lauded after a Liszt recital by Musical Opinion magazine as 'a pianist of Herculean stamina', Robin Zebaida enjoys a performing career that has taken him to over 100 countries across all seven continents. Highlights of past seasons have included concerts in USA, Canada - where he collaborated with conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin - Central America, Europe, the Far East and Australia, where his Sydney recital was reported as achieving 'a warmth and empathy with the audience rarely seen'. In London he has performed at major venues including St John's Smith Square and the Queen Elizabeth Hall.

Recent concerts have included Robin Zebaida's debut in China to a capacity audience in the Shenzhen Concert Hall, along with tours to the Far East and special programmes to commemorate the anniversaries of Liadov and Richard Strauss. The 2014/15 season included performances in UK, Switzerland, France, Germany, Hong Kong and Israel, with a focus on Russian music to commemorate the centenary of the death of Alexander Scriabin. Plans for the current season include an increasing focus on the Far East, where in 2018 he performed at Hong Kong's City Hall Concert Hall, and as part of the 6th Shenzhen Piano Music Festival in China. He is also in demand for lectures, pre-concert talks and masterclasses, and has been invited to serve as a jury member on the panels of several regional and international piano competitions.

Robin Zebaida's wide ranging and extensive repertoire from Bach to Gershwin also encompasses less familiar fare, as reflected in his CD 'Off the Beaten Track' on the Regent label. Particular areas of interest include Russian music, orchestral and vocal transcriptions, and music for the left hand. In a career which embraces many aspects of music making, he also appears as accompanist, chamber music partner and concerto soloist. His group Classical Cornucopia has performed on several Classical Music themed cruises.

Away from the concert platform, Robin Zebaida's broadcasting experience includes studio recordings and live appearances on radio and television for several national and foreign networks. As a Steinway Artist, he was specially chosen to demonstrate the qualities of the 'Rolls Royce of the piano world' in an interview for the BBC World Service to mark the publication of a history of Steinway pianos.

Robin Zebaida was born and educated in London, England, later winning an Exhibition award to read Music at New College, Oxford, from where he graduated with maximum distinction in performance. He completed his formal studies as a postgraduate at the Royal College of Music.

郭承豐博士 於2013年在香港演藝學院完成音樂(榮譽)學士課程後,獲獎學金遠赴紐約伊士曼音樂學院深造,取得小提琴演奏碩士學位。郭氏師隨盧柱東教授、米高•高佩曼教授及大衛•佩利教授。郭氏屢獲獎學金,包括埃克林美孚獎學金、 陳浩才醉人音樂獎學金等,並於2015年獲得保羅•哥連斯全費獎學金於美國威斯康辛州麥迪遜大學攻讀小提琴演奏博士學位。郭氏具有豐富樂隊及演出經驗,過去三年於麥迪遜交響樂團擔任小提琴樂手和麥迪遜大學交響樂團擔任樂團首席,並於2017年勝出年度協奏曲比賽。除了多年的私人教學經驗外,郭氏亦具有豐富的學校教學經驗包括於油蔴地天主教小學、九龍塘學校(小學部) 、循道學校、伊士曼社區音樂學院、麥迪遜大學等擔任樂器和樂理指導工作。


A native of Hong Kong, Dr. Biffa Kwok studies with Chu Tong Lo and graduates with a Bachelor of Music Degree in Violin Performance in 2013. Kwok holds a Master Degree in Violin Performance and Literature from the Eastman School of Music, under the tutelage of Mikhail Kopelman, former leader of the legendary Borodin and Tokyo String Quartets. Kwok also holds a Doctorate degree at the Mead Witter School of Music in the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the tutelage of David Perry, the leader of the Pro Arte Quartet.

In light of his outstanding achievements and accomplishments in performance, Dr. Kwok is the recipient of numerous awards, including the ExxonMobil Scholarship, Chan Ho Choi Enchanting Music Scholarship and the Eastman Graduate Assistantship. During his years at the UW-Madison, Kwok is a recipient of the prestigious Paul Collins fellowship, where he also serves as the concertmaster of the UW-Symphony orchestra and was selected as the winner of the 2016 concerto competition as well as the James R. Smith Orchestral Leadership award. For the past three years, Kwok is selected to play in the Madison Symphony Orchestra as a section violinist. In addition to his private teaching experiences for many years, Kwok also has extensive experiences in teaching instrumental classes in different schools including Yaumati Catholic Primary School, Kowloon Tong School (Primary Section), Methodist School, Eastman Community Music School, and UW-Madison School of Music.


A graduate of the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music, Todor Popstoyanov’s professional career began at the age of 21 when he joined the Spanish Royal Opera House at the invitation of Maestro Lorin Maazel. He has collaborated with orchestras from the USA, Europe and Asia, including The Philadelphia Chamber Orchestra, Berlin Komische Opera, Barcelona Symphony, New World Symphony and Malaysian Philharmonic, and with conductors including Zubin Mehta, Christoph Eschenbach, Valery Gergiev, Lorin Maazel and Jaap van Zweden. He is also an avid chamber musician and solo performer having won several prizes including the Yamaha Performing Artists Competition, International Horn Society Competition, Barry Tuckwell Scholarship and Bramhall Concerto Competition.

A native of Bulgaria, Todor began playing the piano at the age of five and the horn at the age of nine. His most influential teachers have been his mother, Kurt Snyder and Jerome Ashby of the New York Philharmonic. He joined the HK Phil in 2016.

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Samuel Huang Chun Hang graduated from Kent State University, Hong Kong Baptist University, and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. His mentors are Miami String Quartet, Cathy Meng Robinson, Amy Lee, Ivan Chan, and Ray Tsoi. He is currently an ABD (all but dissertation) at UMKC, under the tutelage of Prof. Benny Kim. Samuel had served as the concertmaster fellow of the UMKC orchestra.
Winner of the Hong Kong Baptist University Concerto competition and UMKC Concerto/Aria competition, Samuel has appeared as a soloist with orchestras including Collegium Musicum Hong Kong, Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Arts School Orchestra, and the Kharkov Philharmonic Orchestra (Ukraine). Besides solo performances, he served as concertmaster of Kent State University Orchestra, Heartland Chamber Orchestra, Texas Festival Orchestra, and Miami Festival Opera Orchestra. 
Samuel is an avid chamber musician, he had served as the violinist of the NewEar Contemporary Chamber Ensemble. He has also collaborated with artists such as Ida Kavafian, Yekwon Sunwoo, and members from Miami String Quartet and St. Petersburg String Quartet. As a visiting artist, Samuel has performed and given masterclasses in various universities including Western Illinois University and Fort Hays State University.

小提琴家黃竣恒先後畢業於肯特州立大學、香港浸會大學及香港演藝學院,師承邁阿密四重奏、Benny Kim、Cathy Meng Robinson、Amy Lee、陳浩堂、蔡睿。黃氏現為密蘇里大學-堪薩斯城分校的博士生,在學期間以全獎學金聘用為樂團團長。
黃氏分別在浸會大學及密蘇里大學的協奏曲比賽勝出,以獨奏身份與樂團演出。除此以外,黃氏亦曾以獲邀以獨奏身份及樂團團長與不同樂團作協奏曲演出,包括Collegium Musicum Hong Kong,Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong,深圳藝術學校樂團,烏克蘭哈爾科夫愛樂樂團,肯特州立大學樂團,Heartland室樂團,德州音樂節樂團,以及邁阿密音樂節歌戲樂團。
除了獨奏及樂團演出外,黃氏熱愛室樂演奏,曾任擔堪薩斯城NewEar現代室樂團的小提琴手;亦曾與知名音樂家如Ida Kavafian,Yekwon Sunwoo,邁阿密四重奏,及俄羅斯聖彼得堡四重奏的成員作室樂演出。黃氏擁有豐富的教學經驗,除了任教於本港及美國各中小學以外,亦曾獲邀到不同的大學授教大師班及演出,其中包括西伊利諾州大學及海斯堡州立大學。

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Mr. Charles NG


Charles Ng is regarded as a prominent classical saxophonist from Hong Kong. He is a member of the world-renowned saxophone quintet Five Sax – a professional Vienna

based ensemble. He enjoys travelling, contributing new ideas to the programme and performing in different countries with the group. Besides Five Sax, he is also part of a duo with Soprano vocalist Suvi Väyrynen, as Duo Sung. Together as a duo, they have won the First Prize in the Fidelio Competition. Ng is a founding member of the Ever Present Orchestra, a unique ensemble dedicated to perform the music of Alvin Lucier. Working closely with Charles Ng, Lucier has written a piece “flight Path” expressively for him.


As a soloist, Ng had worked with numerous orchestras such as the Krakov Academic Orchestra, Karlovy Varly Symphony Orchestra and the HKAPA Academy Orchestra, performing concertos by Debussy, Ibert, Tomasi and Glazunov. Various music festivals have invited him as a guest artist around Europe such as the Nordic Saxophone Festival, Rauma Festivo, Vienna International Saxfest and Zürich International Saxfest.


In the past, he was invited to give recitals at the Escola de Música do Conservatório Nacional in Lisbon, Mahidol University and Xinghai Concert Hall in Guangzhou. His

performance can be heard on the Stockhausen Press, “LINKER AUGENTANZ.”


As an experienced saxophone pedagogue, Charles Ng has been teaching numerous of private students through out his career. Charles Ng serves as a part-time Faculty at the Educational University of Hong Kong. He has given masterclasses in New York Ithacha West Virginia University, College, Shanghai Conservatory of Muisc in China, Cap Ferrat music festival in France, JAV music festival in Poland as well as a regularly invited artist at the Shenzhen International Saxophone Camp. Ng is experienced in ensemble, chamber music coaching while he has worked with the MIT Saxophone Ensemble, Züruch Saxophone Collective and Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble. He is also guest saxophonist at the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Hong Kong New Music Ensemble.


Dedicating himself to modern music, Ng has been working closely with composers and premiering new compositions. He believes music performance is not only an auditory experience - the visual aspect is also a substantial part of it. Charles Ng

continuously explores the possibilities of extending the musical expressions through a theatrical approach, incorporating visual elements such as acting, staging and lighting.


Charles Ng is the co-founder of Exordium Collective; a Hong Kong based Art organization which aims to bring artists from different discipline together. Charles Ng’s mentor includes Lars Mlekuch (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Musik und

Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien), Jia-Shou Tasi (Taipei National University of the Arts) and Michael Campball (Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts) Charles Ng is proud to be an artist and endorser of the D’Addario Woodwinds and

Selmer Paris Saxophone.

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周達勳博士早年於香港演藝學院接受音樂訓練,師承李森及陳莉華。及後他負笈前往英國,先後在威爾士座堂中學和倫敦皇家音樂學院學習,並獲皇家音樂學院最高獎學金、鋼琴演奏學士及碩士學位。周氏演奏足跡遍及英國、德國、捷克、美國及香港,並獲得多項演奏獎項。他在英國時師承俄國鋼琴家內莉.阿寇比安.塔瑪麗娜(傳奇俄國鋼琴家郭登懷瑟的其中一位最後門生、巴許基洛夫的第一個學生),深受俄國鋼琴學派熏陶。此外,他亦曾師從郭嘉特、丹尼爾.班.翩拿、希拉里.高娣斯、奈杰爾.克來頓、安德魯.博爾、伊麗莎白.普里登諾夫及尤金. 普里登諾夫。


周氏既是香港中文大學的哲學文學碩士,同時亦為美國辛辛那提大學音樂學院的鋼琴演奏博士,副修古鍵琴和鋼琴教學法。他曾在美國辛辛那提大學任教和擔任澳門理工學院及西倫敦大學香港分校之講師。除此以外,他亦積極在不同院校舉辦講座及工作坊,包括香港演藝學院,香港大學、香港城市大學等,并且獲邀成爲2018年East-West Piano Festival教員之一。在教學工作以外,他亦為香港電台第四台主持節目,和在多個鋼琴比賽中擔任評委。近期演出包括於Musical del Cuore系列和汕頭香園鋼琴博物館彈奏全巴赫作品獨奏會,以及在深圳和日本京都的演出。


Dr. Henry Chow received his earliest musical training at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In his teenage years he moved to England to further his musical studies, first at Wells Cathedral School and then at the Royal College of Music where he was awarded the highest scholarship to pursue his Bachelor's degree. Thereafter he continued his Master's studies at the Royal Academy of Music in London.


Apart from a Master of Art in philosophy from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Henry also holds a Doctor of Musical Arts from the College-Conservatory of Music (CCM), University of Cincinnati, where he was a graduate teaching assistant. He has since then maintained an active profile in Hong Kong both as a teacher and a performer. Apart from his appointments at the Macau Polytechnic Institute and the University of West London Hong Kong Centre, he has also given workshops and masterclasses at institutes such as the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the University of Hong Kong and the City University of Hong Kong. He also presented programmes for RTHK Radio 4, and is a frequent jury member at piano competitions. He was also a faculty member of the East-West Piano Festival in 2018.


Henry has performed extensively in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States, and was the recipient of several major scholarship awards. He studied with the Russian pianist Nelly Akopian-Tamarina, one of the last students of the legendary Alexander Goldenweiser and the first student of Dmitri Bashkirov and through whom he traces his pianistic lineage back to the old Russian tradition. His other teachers include Amelia Chan, Gabriel Kwok, Daniel-Ben Pienaar, Hilary Coates, Nigel Clayton, Andrew Ball and Elisabeth and Eugene Pridonoff. Recent highlights of his work include performances and lectures in Shantou, Shenzhen and Kyoto, Japan.


The International Fringe Association is a non-profit organization with the purpose of cultural education and inheritance. Through regular competitions, master classes and concerts, it promotes and enhances the level of local art and promotes culture to all levels of society.

In 2020, IFA organizes an online competition called The International Music Talent Online Competition, which is a recognised member of the Alink-Argerich Foundation.



國際藝穗協會是一個以文化教育及傳承宗旨的非牟利社團,透過定期舉辦比賽、大師班及音樂會等活動,推動及提升本地藝術水平,將文化推廣至社會各階屬。本會舉辦多種樂器之比賽,同時亦成為Alink Argerich Foundation 轄下之國際性賽事。




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