《IFA Masterclass Series 2021 》
Steinway Artists Piano Masterclass
於8月國際藝穗協會邀請到三位Steinway Artists 舉行的鋼琴大師班,他們包括:
4th Aug 2021 Wed Mr. Tsang Hin-Yat
6th Aug 2021 Fri Mr. Robin Zebaida
13th Aug 2021 Fri Ms Rachel Cheung
Participator : HK$800 (30mins)
HK$1200 (45mins)
Audience : HK$100
The number of participators are limited to 4-5. The artist in the masterclass/clinics deserves the right to make the final decision on the participators list. Thank you for your attention. We will contact the selected participators for settle the payment. (Deadline : 31st July)
查詢:WhatsApp: http://wa.me/85291567597
FB page: https://www.facebook.com/ifassociation
Website: http://www.ifacompetition.com
《IFA Masterclass Series 2021 》 Violin Masterclass by Maestro Wong Sze Hang
本會有幸邀請到著名小提琴家王思恒先生於8月20日(星期五)在Fringe Recital Hall舉行小提琴大師班。
The number of participators are limited to 4-5. The artist in the masterclass/clinics deserves the right to make the final decision on the participators list. Thank you for your attention. We will contact the selected participators for settle the payment. (Deadline : 10th August)
Participator : HK$800 (30mins) HK$1200 (45mins)
Audience : HK$100
地點:尖沙咀柯士甸道11-15號百達行202室 Fringe Recital Hall
查詢:WhatsApp: http://wa.me/85291567597
《Festival Pianist 現場鋼琴伴奏 》
劉沛恩Ronald是一名活躍於獨奏, 合奏, 室內樂, 甚至跨界別與舞者合作演出的鋼琴家。他的首張專輯”Hiller & Schumann”剛於本年度在MSR Classics推出, 大獲好評。專輯包含兩首世界首錄的交響樂鋼琴獨奏編曲, 其中一首更是他親自編寫。
除了熱衷於音樂演奏及教學外, 劉氏亦是一位攝影及錄音混音製作人。
劉氏於University of Iowa取得鋼琴演奏博士學位, 師承國際著名鋼琴家Uriel Tsachor。