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# 特別組別A001『國際藝穗節特別獎公開組』第一名、第二名及第三名均獲得獎杯及獎狀和現金獎分別港幣$5000 、$2000及$1000元正                                                

# The 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winner『International Fringe Festival Prize Open Class』will be awarded a trophy and certificate and HKD $5000, $2000 and $1000 respectively 


Each class 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners will be awarded a Trophy and certificate  


1st Prize, one 2nd Prize and one 3rd Prize will be announced to contestants who have reached a score of 85.

參賽者獲得 :

90分或以上 可獲發 金獎榮譽獎狀   

 "First Honour”certificate will be awarded to contestants who score 90 or above.

80至89分 銀獎榮譽獎狀

"Second Honour" certificates will be awarded to contestants who score 80-89.

75至79分 銅獎榮譽獎狀

"Third Honour" certificates will be awarded to contestants who score 75-79.

74或以下 參與獎狀

"Participation certificate" will be awarded to contestants who score 74 or below. 

參賽者導師 或音樂機構 或教育機構 或學校 奬項:


Teacher of the First, Second and Third Prize winner will receive a 『 Honour-Teacher』certificate


Teacher, studio or school presenting 10, 20, 30 or more contestants or team (per class unit) will be awarded a Gold, Silver and Bronze trophy respectively to acknowledge their contribution

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